Mary McBride is a singer-songwriter and the Founder and Executive Director of The Forum for Cultural Engagement (FCE). In 2010, Mary founded The Home Tour, which uses live music to inspire and connect people, and engage the global community. In partnership with more than 100 social service organizations worldwide, The Home Tour brings live concerts to long term health care centers, veterans facilities, homeless shelters, supported-housing, mental health facilities, and prisons. Between 2012 and 2014, Mary oversaw a music and and leadership program, in coordination with the CT Mental Health Center and the Yale School of Psychiatry with young people recovering from trauma and mental illness. As a Cultural Envoy for the U.S. Department of State, Mary has performed music tours and outreach programs in more than 30 countries. Mary received significant acclaim for her performance in "Brokeback Mountain." Her work as a musician and humanitarian has been featured on CNN, MSNBC, and in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. In her free time and on the road, Mary enjoys running, tennis and obsessive Scrabble.